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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Five Abilities You Need To Master After 50

No one is getting younger and if you're like me (someone over 50), you've seen the world transform several times. It gets to be a pain to wake up in the morning to find life's rug being pulled out from under you. Resilience becomes something that's harder and harder to muster on a daily basis. If only you had a checklist to help remind you to pay attention and keep your eyes on the ball.

This comes from George H. Schofield, Ph.D. who is a business consultant, speaker and professor and is the author of After 50 It’s Up to Us: Developing the Skills and Agility We’ll Need. He offers five skills that will help aging folks navigate the disruptive world we'll all be dealing with. They are.....

1. Identity Ability. Eventually, the roles that define us comes to an end and we have to adapt our sense of self accordingly.

2. Selecting Ability. What happens when you can no longer do something that gave your life meaning? You select other activities that restore that meaning.

3. Meaning-Finding Ability. Managing disruptions that are turning your life upside-down and putting them in perspective can take years. Decide how to put events into context and find ways to add meaning to the time you still have.

4. Community Ability. Your community needs you. Your wisdom. Your experience. Find ways to stay involved.

5. Financial Reality-Check Ability. No matter how well you've planned, you can lose a job, your investments, your savings. You should always be prepared to embark on a new career or find other sources of income to sustain you as you age.

Good advice all, but remember, the main advice here, as the article states at its conclusion, is to expect the unexpected.

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